Scott Naismith

Scott Naismith is a contemporary painter who sees the world and all its vivid glory and interprets it as such.

Andrew Wyeth

Andrew Wyeth certainly did his job in making me look more closely at the world — and at art.

I was recently in a meeting with the folks from Visitors Media, the awesome people who revamped my website. We were talking my about the why: what motivates me, what wakes me up before dawn to paint a sunrise and then share it on social media for all to see. It’s not an easy question, but like most questions, once you answer it, it seems so obvious — like, how didn’t I see this all along?


I will never ever forget the first time I saw J.M.. W. Turner’s paintings in real life. The texture and scale cannot be seen in photos but the inspiration is great and lasting.

For me, the answer came when I asked if, in my final days, I wished I’d done anything in this world, what would I want to know that it was? And the answer was so obvious when I asked it that way. What mark, what influence, do I wish to leave on my fellow human beings?

Richard Diebenkorn

Richard Diebenkorn! His work certainly makes me notice the details of color and rhythm harmony in value. And I always see a landscape, whether he meant for me to or not. His work makes me look at the world more closely.

It would be that I had shared a love of art and nature to other people — made them look at the sunrise just a little bit longer, noticing the details of the colors, how turquoise and purple and neon red and pink and orange the sky can be. That maybe just a few people noticed nature just a little more closely, took a little more joy when surrounded by its glory. That maybe after a long lifetime of sharing my passion, a few people saw paintings and paused just wee bit longer to notice the details, the brush work, the magic.

Joan Mitchell

Joan Mitchell, an abstract expressionist — but her work always makes me think of nature.

So I’m hoping maybe you can help me out with this. Maybe take just a moment longer when you’re in nature, a garden —oh my goodness, gardens — flowers and sunsets, and the more subtle things like the bark of a tree, moss and mushrooms.

Next time you’re confronted with a piece of art, pause and consider it. What might the artist have been thinking? What might they have been inspired by? What was floating their boat? But more important, what floats your boat? Because ultimately, it’s about you, the viewer, and how you interpret art. But it’s fun to consider the maker, what they might have been thinking and how that measures up to you, and what you’re thinking!

So what do you think? As always, I love hearing your thoughts on the comments and on Facebook and Instagram, where you can find me most days.

Cheers to art and nature, and, most importantly, to all of you!